How to Plan Your Week for Greater Productivity as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneurship Apr 10, 2024

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in work, barely able to snatch a lunch break? I've been there, locked in a hectic timetable that left no room for rest or relaxation. But then, I decided to take control, to restructure my week in a way that allowed me to work smarter, not harder.

What my week looked like before

In the past, my weeks lacked structure and format. I was overwhelmed by meetings that had no return on my investment with hardly any time for actual work, forget a break. I said yes to everything and everyone. I would begin work at 9 am and continue late into the night. I was even working on weekends and public holidays! It was all-consuming.

Here is what my week looks like now

This is what I am doing now…

Mondays are my deep focus day where I handle complex tasks using the fresh energy of a new week. Tuesday and Wednesday are reserved for meetings and connecting with people. By Thursday, I decelerate slightly by reducing my meeting time and completing any heavy tasks. Finally, Fridays are for rest, learning or strategy, listening to both what my body and my business needs.

My Top Tips for Your Weekly Schedule

  1. Utilize Batching Techniques: One of the most efficient ways to manage your tasks is by batching, which involves grouping similar tasks together to be completed all at once. This method minimizes the disruption caused by constantly switching between tasks and increases your productivity.
  2. Dedicate a Day for Deep Focus: In a world where meetings can often be overwhelming and distracting, setting aside a whole day for deep, uninterrupted work can significantly boost your productivity. This, of course, should align with your business objectives and personal work style.
  3. Limit Meeting Times with Effective Tools: Using tools like Calendly can streamline your schedule by ensuring that people only book meetings during your pre-determined slots. This helps prevent your day from being overtaken by unscheduled meetings and allows you to maintain control over your time.
  4. Schedule Recurring Tasks: If there are tasks that need to be done every week, like maintaining your social media presence, make sure to slot these into your calendar. Doing so will ensure you never forget these recurring tasks and they become part of your routine.
  5. Block Out Time for Self Care: Personal well-being is critical for maintaining productivity. I make it a point not to start my workday until 12noon, using the early hours to reconnect with myself and spend quality time with family. I also reserve Fridays for downtime, which allows me to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Q: What is batching, and how can it improve my productivity?

Batching is a time-management technique that involves grouping similar tasks together and completing them all at once. It minimizes the disruption caused by constantly switching between tasks and thus increases your productivity.

Q: Why should I dedicate a whole day to deep focus?

In a busy work week, meetings and other distractions can often interrupt productivity. Designating a whole day to deep, uninterrupted work allows you to focus and complete complex tasks more efficiently. This can significantly boost your productivity.

Q: What kind of tools can I use to limit meeting times?

Tools like Calendly can streamline your schedule by ensuring that people only book meetings during your pre-determined slots. This helps prevent your day from being overtaken by unscheduled meetings and allows you to maintain control over your time.

Q: How can I ensure that I don't forget recurring tasks?

By scheduling recurring tasks in your calendar, you can ensure you never forget them. This makes these tasks a part of your routine and helps you manage your time more effectively.

Q: Why is self-care important for my productivity?

Taking care of your personal wellbeing is critical for maintaining productivity. By blocking out time for self-care, you ensure that you're in the best possible mental and physical state to tackle your work tasks. This can lead to better productivity in the long run.


Remember, it's about working less, living more, and making every hour count. This new rhythm of work has not only boosted my productivity but also improved my quality of life. I hope my approach sparks ideas for how you might restructure your own schedule.

If you want to learn more about my tips and techniques to 'Work Less, Live More”, you can check out my upcoming 2-month intensive programme. It is specially designed for entrepreneurs who value peer support and aim to work smarter, increase their income, gain freedom, and align their businesses with their personal values and lifestyle goals, all within a community of like-minded individuals.

The system pulls together practical skills for:

Check out the course, or schedule a call to learn more here.

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